We had about 15 people in attendance today, who learned just about everything there is to know about taking snapshots (photos) in Second Life, and a lot about the basics of shopping in Second Life. The snapshots portion was led by Dewey Jung (that's me!), and the shopping portion by Zotarah Shepherd.

Following is a complete transcript of the session, along with some snapshots of the sessions and screenshots from the Snaphots presentation. (Got that?!)
ELVEN Institute New Educators Workshop
Saturday, December 8, 2007
[2007/12/08 8:03] Dewey Jung: hi bill!
[2007/12/08 8:03] Bill Friis: Howdy, Dewey.
[2007/12/08 8:03] Bill Friis: Getting ready for 9:00, I assume.
[2007/12/08 8:03] Dewey Jung: that's correct
[2007/12/08 8:03] Dewey Jung: i've got about 20 textures to rename so they are in order, then i'm ready
[2007/12/08 8:04] Bill Friis: I'll be back then. I didn't register, but can't stay away.
[2007/12/08 8:04] Dewey Jung: you are always welcome, bill!
[2007/12/08 8:56] Zotarah Shepherd: The workshop is for teachers.
[2007/12/08 8:56] Cosette Hugo: No, just interested in learning more SL basics. I'm a librarian in RL
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: hey kids!
[2007/12/08 8:57] Jeff Kurka: cool
[2007/12/08 8:57] Zotarah Shepherd: Oh good
[2007/12/08 8:57] Jeff Kurka: hello
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: hi cosette
[2007/12/08 8:57] Zotarah Shepherd: The workshop covers things for everyone
[2007/12/08 8:57] Cosette Hugo: Hello
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: hey zotarah
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: come on in side everyone
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: hey bill!
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: hi jeff
[2007/12/08 8:57] Zotarah Shepherd: Hey Dewey
[2007/12/08 8:57] Jeff Kurka: oops
[2007/12/08 8:57] Dewey Jung: guess i should put my tshirt on
[2007/12/08 8:58] Jeff Kurka: not sure what that was
[2007/12/08 8:58] Jeff Kurka: hello Dewey
[2007/12/08 8:58] Zotarah Shepherd: Morning Bill
[2007/12/08 8:58] Dewey Jung: jeff, looks like you jumped
[2007/12/08 8:58] Bill Friis: Good morning, all.
[2007/12/08 8:58] Desdemona Enfield: Hi Dewey.
[2007/12/08 8:58] Zotarah Shepherd: Hello Desdemona
[2007/12/08 8:58] Dewey Jung: gmornign des!
[2007/12/08 8:58] Jeff Kurka: I guess I am excited
[2007/12/08 8:58] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 8:58] Dewey Jung: me too
[2007/12/08 8:58] Desdemona Enfield: Hi Zotarah
[2007/12/08 8:58] Dewey Jung: des, you gonna help out this morning?
[2007/12/08 8:58] Zotarah Shepherd: Are we sending out an ELVEN reminder Dewey?
[2007/12/08 8:59] Dewey Jung: good idea, z
[2007/12/08 8:59] Dewey Jung: will do
[2007/12/08 8:59] Zotarah Shepherd: And maybe an ISTE?
[2007/12/08 8:59] Desdemona Enfield: I was going to be here for a while and observer... answer question, if any come up for me.
[2007/12/08 8:59] Desdemona Enfield: maybe even learn to spell correctly.
[2007/12/08 8:59] Dewey Jung: want a tshirt, des?
[2007/12/08 8:59] Bill Friis: Gud luck
[2007/12/08 9:00] Dewey Jung: hey avi!
[2007/12/08 9:00] Desdemona Enfield: hehe
[2007/12/08 9:00] Desdemona Enfield: It's my KB... not me... Bad KB.
[2007/12/08 9:00] Avigail Lindman: Morning!
[2007/12/08 9:00] Dewey Jung: down kb, down!
[2007/12/08 9:00] Dewey Jung: good morning misha, welcome!
[2007/12/08 9:01] Dewey Jung: i'm sure there will be stragglers, so we'll wait a few minutes before we start
[2007/12/08 9:01] Misha Writer: hello folks
[2007/12/08 9:01] Zotarah Shepherd smiles and waves to Misha
[2007/12/08 9:01] Bill Friis: Howdy, Misha.
[2007/12/08 9:01] Dewey Jung: jeff, click the sign behind me to get a notecard for the snapshot workshop
[2007/12/08 9:01] Desdemona Enfield: oops
[2007/12/08 9:01] Zotarah Shepherd: Please get a Notecard here
[2007/12/08 9:01] Jeff Kurka: ok I got the notecard
[2007/12/08 9:02] Dewey Jung: cool, have a seat on one of the green chairs, jeff
[2007/12/08 9:02] Jeff Kurka: ok thanks
[2007/12/08 9:02] Dewey Jung: goodmorning teresamarie!
[2007/12/08 9:02] Dewey Jung: welcome to elven
[2007/12/08 9:03] TeresaMarie Wobbit: Hello. I apologize that I am late and that I am slow to get to where I'm supposed to be.
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: you aren't late, teresa!
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: we are just starting
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: hi artemis
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: welcome!
[2007/12/08 9:03] Artemis Reina: sorry a bit late
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: well, we haven't started yet
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: hey blu!
[2007/12/08 9:03] Dewey Jung: come on inside teresa
[2007/12/08 9:04] TeresaMarie Wobbit: thank you
[2007/12/08 9:04] Artemis Reina: I was watchin a planetarium program at a nasa site
[2007/12/08 9:04] Blu Heron: hi everyone!
[2007/12/08 9:04] Dewey Jung: hi roland
[2007/12/08 9:04] Dewey Jung: if you didn't get a notecard, click the sign inside the entrance to get one
[2007/12/08 9:06] Dewey Jung: welcome to elven everyone
[2007/12/08 9:06] Dewey Jung: hi elaine!
[2007/12/08 9:06] Bronte Alcott: Hi, Elaine
[2007/12/08 9:06] Elaine Tulip: hi there
[2007/12/08 9:07] Zotarah Shepherd: Did everyone get a Notecard from the sign?
[2007/12/08 9:07] TeresaMarie Wobbit: Yes, about taking snapshots.
[2007/12/08 9:07] Dewey Jung: i have prepared some detailed notes for the snapshot workshop, they are in a notecard available by clicking on the sign inside the entrance
[2007/12/08 9:08] TeresaMarie Wobbit: how do we reopen our notecards?
[2007/12/08 9:08] Dewey Jung: you can find them in your inventory
[2007/12/08 9:08] Dewey Jung: if you click the inventory button (lower right of screen)
[2007/12/08 9:08] Dewey Jung: then click the "recent items" tab
[2007/12/08 9:08] Dewey Jung: you will find it under notecards
[2007/12/08 9:09] Dewey Jung: prolly the only one on the list
[2007/12/08 9:09] TeresaMarie Wobbit: Yes. Thank you.
[2007/12/08 9:09] Dewey Jung: okay, let's get started
[2007/12/08 9:09] Dewey Jung: welcome to the elven institute
[2007/12/08 9:09] Dewey Jung: i'm dewey jung, the director
[2007/12/08 9:10] Dewey Jung: ELVEN is working to help educators and librarians to use SL
[2007/12/08 9:10] Dewey Jung: both for their own professional development and, eventually, for their students and clients
[2007/12/08 9:10] Dewey Jung: we welcome you to join our group
[2007/12/08 9:10] Dewey Jung: this is the second in a series of workshops that we're offering on SL basics
[2007/12/08 9:11] Dewey Jung: we also plan to initiate a series of seminars on more advanced topics, such as how to use SL for education (prek-12)
[2007/12/08 9:11] Dewey Jung: and some topical groups like how to use SL for teaching science or language arts
[2007/12/08 9:11] Dewey Jung: later, i'll invite you to join the group; if I forget to do so, IM me to become a member
[2007/12/08 9:12] Dewey Jung: we've started these workshops because it seems to us that many educators come into SL without paying a whole lot of attention to the orientation
[2007/12/08 9:12] Dewey Jung: and/or, they have realized they want a more indepth introduction to various aspects of sl
[2007/12/08 9:12] Dewey Jung: the transcript for the first workshop is available on my blog, at http://technopaideia.blogspot.com
[2007/12/08 9:13] Dewey Jung: we covered communications, navigation, and appearance at that first workshop
[2007/12/08 9:13] Dewey Jung: by the way, if you want to go to a URL that someone in SL puts in a chat, you can CLICK if you go to the "history" window
[2007/12/08 9:13] Dewey Jung: the history button is to the left of the chat bar, bottom of the screen
[2007/12/08 9:13] Dewey Jung: this will open the URL into your default browser
[2007/12/08 9:14] Dewey Jung: please feel free to interrupt me at any time
[2007/12/08 9:14] Dewey Jung: also, the people scattered aroudn the room wearing ELVEN t-shirts are more experienced SL users who are members of elven and are here to help you today
[2007/12/08 9:15] Dewey Jung: they are Bill Friis, Avigail Lindman, and Zotarah Shepherd
[2007/12/08 9:15] Dewey Jung: you can IM any of them to ask more detailed questions, if you like
[2007/12/08 9:15] Dewey Jung: welcome kenisirou; we are just getting started
[2007/12/08 9:15] Dewey Jung: have a seat
[2007/12/08 9:16] Dewey Jung: btw, in real life i'm a professor in a technology in education program in
[2007/12/08 9:16] Dewey Jung: you can reach me at deweyjung@gmail.com
[2007/12/08 9:16] Dewey Jung: so, let's begin on snapshots
[2007/12/08 9:16] Dewey Jung: again, there is a notecard available by clicking on the sign in the back of the room
[2007/12/08 9:16] Dewey Jung: welcome movies!
[2007/12/08 9:17] Movies1963 Beck: hi everyone, thank you
[2007/12/08 9:17] Desdemona Enfield: Hi Movies.
[2007/12/08 9:17] Dewey Jung: so, please direct your attention to the viewscreen in the front of the room
[2007/12/08 9:18] Dewey Jung: i've prepared a bunch of images to demonstrate the techniques i'm going to cover
[2007/12/08 9:18] Dewey Jung: this thing that they appear on is called a "Freeview"
[2007/12/08 9:18] Dewey Jung: it's freely available, and i will give each of you a copy of it towards the end of this workshop
[2007/12/08 9:18] Dewey Jung: you can easily use it to share images with a group in sl
[2007/12/08 9:19] Dewey Jung: it also plays videos, but i'm not going to cover that today
[2007/12/08 9:19] Dewey Jung: any questions before i go on?
[2007/12/08 9:19] Dewey Jung: bronte?
[2007/12/08 9:19] Bronte Alcott: sorry
[2007/12/08 9:19] Roland Aeon: A basic one -- how do you turn off the names over the avatars so you can see the screen?
[2007/12/08 9:19] Dewey Jung: you can raise your hand by right-clicking on your seat
[2007/12/08 9:20] Dewey Jung: it's in the Edit menu, under preferences
[2007/12/08 9:20] Dewey Jung: general tab
[2007/12/08 9:20] Roland Aeon: Thanks!
[2007/12/08 9:20] Dewey Jung: "show names"
[2007/12/08 9:20] Dewey Jung: you can manipulate your camera so the names don't get in the way
[2007/12/08 9:21] Dewey Jung: i use the camera panel to move my camera
[2007/12/08 9:21] Dewey Jung: you can see the panel by clicking Camera Controls on your view menu
[2007/12/08 9:21] Dewey Jung: i suggest you play with that panel a bit
[2007/12/08 9:21] Dewey Jung: you can easily pan, zoom, and rotate your view without moving
[2007/12/08 9:21] Dewey Jung: i'll talk a bit more about that later
[2007/12/08 9:22] Dewey Jung: welcome DocL!
[2007/12/08 9:22] Dewey Jung: we are just getting started on snapshots
[2007/12/08 9:22] Zotarah Shepherd: Welcome DocL Please get a Notecard from the sign at the back.
[2007/12/08 9:22] Dewey Jung: the key panel for snapshots is available by clicking the "snapshot" button in the lower center of your screen
[2007/12/08 9:23] Dewey Jung: go ahead and do that now
[2007/12/08 9:23] Dewey Jung: on the screen behind me, you can see that i have opened that panel
[2007/12/08 9:23] Dewey Jung: my screen resolution is very high, so your panel will likely be bigger
[2007/12/08 9:23] Dewey Jung: this panel has all sorts of settings
[2007/12/08 9:23] Dewey Jung: most of them you will prolly never use
[2007/12/08 9:24] Dewey Jung: but there are some key ones
[2007/12/08 9:24] Dewey Jung: first off, notice the check box at the BOTTOM of the panel
[2007/12/08 9:25] Dewey Jung: auto-snapshot means that you will automatically take a snapshot when you open the snapshot panel by clicking the button
[2007/12/08 9:25] Dewey Jung: it will be taken using the currently selected settings
[2007/12/08 9:25] Dewey Jung: btw, the snapshot panel is also accessible typing ctrl-shift-s
[2007/12/08 9:25] Dewey Jung: on a mac, cmd-shft-s
[2007/12/08 9:26] Dewey Jung: but that's the same keystroke for saving a notecard, so if you are working on a notecard at the time, it might not work
[2007/12/08 9:26] Dewey Jung: the key settings on the snapshot panel are at the top
[2007/12/08 9:26] Dewey Jung: three options
[2007/12/08 9:26] Dewey Jung: you can send a postcard
[2007/12/08 9:26] Dewey Jung: you can upload a snapshot (which means save it to inventory)
[2007/12/08 9:27] Dewey Jung: or you can save a snapshot to your local disk
[2007/12/08 9:27] Dewey Jung: note that it costs L$10 to upload a snapshot to your inventory
[2007/12/08 9:27] Dewey Jung: it also costs L$10 to upload a snapshot from your local disk after you save it there
[2007/12/08 9:28] Dewey Jung: now look at this snapshot on the viewer
[2007/12/08 9:28] Dewey Jung: you will see that the SL user interface is visible
[2007/12/08 9:28] Dewey Jung: you can turn that user interface on or off
[2007/12/08 9:28] Dewey Jung: that is, the snapshot will include the interface or it won't
[2007/12/08 9:28] Dewey Jung: see the checkbox on the snapshot panel?
[2007/12/08 9:29] Dewey Jung: why would you want to include the interface?
[2007/12/08 9:29] Dewey Jung: well, for taking images to use for teaching about SL, of course!
[2007/12/08 9:29] Desdemona Enfield: (and for making a record ofwho is present)
[2007/12/08 9:29] Bill Friis: Or to see names of people in the image.
[2007/12/08 9:29] Dewey Jung: good point, des and bill
[2007/12/08 9:29] Zotarah Shepherd: And for reporting names of griefers
[2007/12/08 9:29] Dewey Jung: another good point, zotarah
[2007/12/08 9:29] Dewey Jung: the user interface includes the names of the av's
[2007/12/08 9:30] Dewey Jung: i think this depends on whether you have the names visible
[2007/12/08 9:30] Zotarah Shepherd: A simple way to take roll for a class. *Grins*
[2007/12/08 9:30] Desdemona Enfield: It also includes you current chat/IM window so be mindful of your privacy.
[2007/12/08 9:30] Dewey Jung: another good point des
[2007/12/08 9:31] Dewey Jung: now, about the "postcard" option
[2007/12/08 9:31] Dewey Jung: if you choose that option, your image will be sent via email to an address of your choice
[2007/12/08 9:31] Dewey Jung: nice thing about this, is it is FREE
[2007/12/08 9:31] Dewey Jung: however, if comes looking like this
[2007/12/08 9:31] Dewey Jung: that is, there's an SL advertisement on it
[2007/12/08 9:31] Dewey Jung: but there's ALSO what is called a SLURL
[2007/12/08 9:32] Dewey Jung: that is, a link to the location that the image was taken
[2007/12/08 9:32] Dewey Jung: this is a nice way to invite a friend to a particular place in SL
[2007/12/08 9:32] Dewey Jung: note that unless you have "auto-snapshot" checked, the snapshot isn't taken until you click the "save" button at the bottom of the snapshot panel
[2007/12/08 9:33] Dewey Jung: if the SAVE button is greyed out, you need to click the "new snapshot" button
[2007/12/08 9:33] Dewey Jung: the new snapshot button shows you a preview of the snapshot you are about to send/save/upload
[2007/12/08 9:33] Dewey Jung: this is very useful for knowing how the "show interface" or "show hud objects" is going to affect your image
[2007/12/08 9:34] Dewey Jung: a "hug object", by the way, is somethign like a controller for a radar, an animation overrider, or other tool
[2007/12/08 9:34] Dewey Jung: lol
[2007/12/08 9:34] Dewey Jung: i mean, "hud" object
[2007/12/08 9:34] Dewey Jung: (I have a hud that lets me hug someone, which is why that is funny)
[2007/12/08 9:35] Psy Sideways: thanks :)
[2007/12/08 9:35] Dewey Jung: let's talk about saving a snapshot to your hard disk
[2007/12/08 9:35] Dewey Jung: i almost always do it that way
[2007/12/08 9:35] Dewey Jung: welcome Psy!
[2007/12/08 9:36] Dewey Jung: i put the snapshot on my hard drive, and then, optionally, upload it back to my inventory
[2007/12/08 9:36] Dewey Jung: it's cheaper than paying L$10 for EVERY image, and then later saving the texture to my disk
[2007/12/08 9:37] Dewey Jung: so to take a snapshot to disk, you can use the snapshot panel, as i showed you, OR...
[2007/12/08 9:37] Dewey Jung: you can use the file menu
[2007/12/08 9:37] Dewey Jung: notice on the file menu there is the option "snapshot to disk"
[2007/12/08 9:37] Dewey Jung: des?
[2007/12/08 9:38] Desdemona Enfield: There are two classes of images in your inventory. Photoes, and textures. These are all the same type of objects. Photos are snapshots to inventory, textures are uploaded images.
[2007/12/08 9:38] Dewey Jung: yes, if you "upload snapshot" it goes into a folder called "photo album"
[2007/12/08 9:38] Dewey Jung: it's also automatically named
[2007/12/08 9:39] Dewey Jung: i'll cover that in a moment
[2007/12/08 9:39] Dewey Jung: so when you choose snapshot to disk, you get a file menu, that lets you decide what to call it and where to save it
[2007/12/08 9:40] Dewey Jung: all files are saved as bitmaps, with the extension *.bmp
[2007/12/08 9:40] Dewey Jung: it makes sense to have a folder created specifically for your SL snapshots
[2007/12/08 9:40] Dewey Jung: whatever you name the file (I usually use the date, as in 12-8-07)....
[2007/12/08 9:40] Dewey Jung: becomes the first in a SERIES as you take more snapshots
[2007/12/08 9:41] Dewey Jung: in other words, you are naming all of the snapshots you take to disk in an SL session
[2007/12/08 9:41] Dewey Jung: this is why i use the date
[2007/12/08 9:41] Desdemona Enfield: (des likes to use 12-08-07 so they sort nicely later)
[2007/12/08 9:41] Dewey Jung: (I used to name the snapshot after who was in it)
[2007/12/08 9:41] Dewey Jung: (but naming after who was in it results in later snapshots being inappropriately named)
[2007/12/08 9:41] Zotarah Shepherd: Just be sure you have some way of OPENING a jpg file. *smiles*
[2007/12/08 9:41] Dewey Jung: these are bmp's, not jpgs
[2007/12/08 9:42] Dewey Jung: des's method makes more sense than mine, but you can always sort by date modified if you wish
[2007/12/08 9:42] Desdemona Enfield: Windows Pic and Fax viewer can handle jpg and bmp.
[2007/12/08 9:42] Zotarah Shepherd: Or bmps then
[2007/12/08 9:42] Dewey Jung: so give it a name like 12-08-07
[2007/12/08 9:42] Zotarah Shepherd: I don't have those : (
[2007/12/08 9:42] Dewey Jung: the mac has iphoto
[2007/12/08 9:42] Dewey Jung: windows comes with the picture viewer
[2007/12/08 9:43] Dewey Jung: microsoft office as the picture manager, which works well for simple editing
[2007/12/08 9:43] Bill Friis: I usually name by event. Like "ELVENworkshop001"
[2007/12/08 9:43] Dewey Jung: that's good, bill, until you go dancing after the workshop and forget to log out and choose a new name
[2007/12/08 9:44] Dewey Jung: okay, so now, let's talk about uploading a snapshot once you've saved it to disk
[2007/12/08 9:44] Dewey Jung: you go to the file menu, and choose "Upload texture..."
[2007/12/08 9:44] Dewey Jung: you find the file you want to upload
[2007/12/08 9:44] Dewey Jung: you click the "open" button
[2007/12/08 9:44] Dewey Jung: (or double-click the filename)
[2007/12/08 9:44] Misha Writer: (the postcard I did a few minutes ago has just arrived - the slurl is active, so the recipient can just click to go there)
[2007/12/08 9:45] Dewey Jung: this is the view you get after you do "open"
[2007/12/08 9:45] Dewey Jung: it's a preview of your texture
[2007/12/08 9:45] Dewey Jung: (snapshots are textures are images are photos, btw)
[2007/12/08 9:45] Dewey Jung: this lets you make a name for the texture in your inventory, and a description
[2007/12/08 9:45] Dewey Jung: i never use "description"
[2007/12/08 9:46] Dewey Jung: rather, i make names that make sense to me
[2007/12/08 9:46] Roland Aeon: Yes, thanks -- I had accidentaly logged out before
[2007/12/08 9:46] Dewey Jung: HERE is where i put in WHO is in the photo....and i leave the date information
[2007/12/08 9:46] Dewey Jung: notice that after the date is a number, in this case _013
[2007/12/08 9:47] Dewey Jung: that got added automatically when i saved multiple snapshots to disk
[2007/12/08 9:47] Dewey Jung: i usually erase that part, leaving just the date
[2007/12/08 9:47] Dewey Jung: then, you click the "upload" button
[2007/12/08 9:47] Dewey Jung: note you must have enough money to pay L$10
[2007/12/08 9:48] Bronte Alcott: Dewey?
[2007/12/08 9:48] Dewey Jung: yes bronte
[2007/12/08 9:48] Dewey Jung: sorry, i'm not looking at you all , so i don't see raised hands
[2007/12/08 9:48] Bronte Alcott: I read in the forums that it is best to convert bmps into jpgs to upload
[2007/12/08 9:48] Bronte Alcott: is that correct? it's what I've been doing
[2007/12/08 9:48] Dewey Jung: they are a lot smaller if they are jpgs
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: so they upload faster
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: BUT
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: i must say, i never convert
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: AND my bitmap uploads are very fast
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: so i guess it's your choice
[2007/12/08 9:49] Bronte Alcott: ok that's helpful, saves a step
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: so after you click upload, you get a little gray box in the middle of your screen that says "uploading"
[2007/12/08 9:49] Jeff Kurka: is there a difference between the two when they res on a screen?
[2007/12/08 9:49] Desdemona Enfield agrees that even BMP uploads are very fast.
[2007/12/08 9:49] Dewey Jung: and then, you get this
[2007/12/08 9:50] Dewey Jung: jeff, i don't think so
[2007/12/08 9:50] Bill Friis: All uploads end up as jpg2000 on the
[2007/12/08 9:50] Dewey Jung: i think sl automatically concerts jpgs back to bitmaps
[2007/12/08 9:50] Dewey Jung: oh, interesting bill
[2007/12/08 9:50] Bill Friis: So they look just as good either way.
[2007/12/08 9:50] Dewey Jung: later i'll talk about how you can save them as j2c, whcih is the jpg2000 format
[2007/12/08 9:51] Dewey Jung: so at this point, the texture is now in your "texture" folder, and it appears on your screen, and you get the blue box that you spent L$10
[2007/12/08 9:51] Dewey Jung: the image sometimes takes a while to rez on your screen
[2007/12/08 9:51] Dewey Jung: that is because it must upload and THEN download to your viewer
[2007/12/08 9:52] Dewey Jung: but once it is in your inventory, you can give it to others
[2007/12/08 9:52] Dewey Jung: i use the "recent items" tab on my inventory
[2007/12/08 9:52] Dewey Jung: that way, i'm not seeing the 4000 or so textures i previously uploaded
[2007/12/08 9:52] Dewey Jung: i was just reminded, you might get an error sometiems when you try to upload...due to server errors
[2007/12/08 9:52] Dewey Jung: this happens about 1 in 50 times
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: sometimes you can just try again
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: sometimes you have to log out and try again
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: sometimes you can't do it for a while afternoon
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: whole^
[2007/12/08 9:53] Jeff Kurka: when you give it to others...does it also stay in your inventory?
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: oh, one note about sharing textures with others
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: yes, jeff
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: it creates a copy
[2007/12/08 9:53] Dewey Jung: however, by default, the texture is marked as "no modify" in the properties
[2007/12/08 9:54] Dewey Jung: so if you give it to someone else, they won't be able to rename it
[2007/12/08 9:54] Dewey Jung: NOR will they be able to save it to their hard disk
[2007/12/08 9:54] Dewey Jung: unless you change the properties before you give it
[2007/12/08 9:54] Dewey Jung: you change properties by right-clicking the texture in the inventory, and choosing properties, and there are check boxes for copy and modify (by subsequent owners)
[2007/12/08 9:55] Dewey Jung: this image shows what the image looks like before it fully rezzes on your screen
[2007/12/08 9:55] Dewey Jung: okay, let me pause a moment
[2007/12/08 9:55] Dewey Jung: am i going too fast?
[2007/12/08 9:56] TeresaMarie Wobbit: no
[2007/12/08 9:56] Jeff Kurka: no
[2007/12/08 9:56] Dewey Jung: i realize a lot of what i'm saying is obvious
[2007/12/08 9:56] Dewey Jung: to some of us
[2007/12/08 9:56] Dewey Jung: but i find it's good to cover everything
[2007/12/08 9:56] Bill Friis: You mentioned saving a texture from inventory to your hard disk. How do you do that?
[2007/12/08 9:56] Dewey Jung: even advanced users miss little things
[2007/12/08 9:56] Misha Writer: when does the workshop finish?
[2007/12/08 9:57] Dewey Jung: if you have a texture in your inventory that you have copy rights to, you can save it to your hard drive
[2007/12/08 9:57] Misha Writer: I have to leave soon
[2007/12/08 9:57] Dewey Jung: you click on the texture in your inventory....
[2007/12/08 9:57] Dewey Jung: and on the file menu, go to "save texture as"
[2007/12/08 9:57] Dewey Jung: misha, the workshop goes another hour
[2007/12/08 9:57] Dewey Jung: but the snapshot part will be done in about 10
[2007/12/08 9:57] Dewey Jung: the second hour is on shopping
[2007/12/08 9:58] Dewey Jung: so, there are HIDDEN menus in sl
[2007/12/08 9:58] Dewey Jung: you see on my screen here, two menu options to the right of the help menu
[2007/12/08 9:58] Bill Friis: Thanks.
[2007/12/08 9:58] Dewey Jung: "client" and "server"
[2007/12/08 9:58] Dewey Jung: the client menu is WAY useful
[2007/12/08 9:58] Dewey Jung: i recommend keeping it available at all times
[2007/12/08 9:59] Dewey Jung: to make it visible, use ctrl-alt-d
[2007/12/08 9:59] TeresaMarie Wobbit: how do you get to it?
[2007/12/08 9:59] mobile chair: Unable to find specified agent to request permissions.
[2007/12/08 9:59] Dewey Jung: or on a mac, cmd-alt-d
[2007/12/08 9:59] Dewey Jung: some pc's require ctrl-alt-shft-d
[2007/12/08 9:59] Dewey Jung: the words "client" and "server" appear to teh right of "help" on your menu bar

[2007/12/08 9:59] Dewey Jung: the client menu has so many useful options
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: for example, under "character" you can "rebake textures" if your clothing doesn't appear correctly
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: but that's another workshop
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: for the purposes of today, i want to draw your attention to....
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: "quiet snapshots to disk"
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: this is awesome
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: if you take a
[2007/12/08 10:00] Misha Writer: ctrl-alt-d works on my Mac - cmnd -alt-d toggles the dock
[2007/12/08 10:00] Dewey Jung: you don't want everyone being self-conscious about all your clicking away
[2007/12/08 10:01] Dewey Jung: oh, thanks Misha!
[2007/12/08 10:01] Dewey Jung: i got the Mac keystroke from a website
[2007/12/08 10:01] Dewey Jung: clearly wrong
[2007/12/08 10:01] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:01] Dewey Jung: when you normally take a photo, you get the clicking sound AND an animation with your hands
[2007/12/08 10:01] Dewey Jung: like this:
[2007/12/08 10:02] Misha Writer: does Quiet Snapshots work with screenshots using other software?
[2007/12/08 10:02] Zotarah Shepherd smiles: It is polite to ask in most situations if someones image can be used for some purpose you might have.
[2007/12/08 10:02] Dewey Jung: no misha
[2007/12/08 10:02] Dewey Jung: yes zotarah
[2007/12/08 10:02] Misha Writer: ie, other than the SL Snapshot
[2007/12/08 10:02] Dewey Jung: the quiet only works in the sl interface
[2007/12/08 10:02] Bill Friis: The others would be quiety anyway.
[2007/12/08 10:02] Dewey Jung: AND it only works for snapshots saved to disk, not for those that are uploaded or taken with the snapshot panel
[2007/12/08 10:03] Dewey Jung: see, i just did a upload to inventory, and so the anim and sound showed
[2007/12/08 10:03] Dewey Jung: i leave my "quiet snapshots to disk" checked always
[2007/12/08 10:04] Dewey Jung: the other two things i always leave checked on the client menu are:
[2007/12/08 10:04] Dewey Jung: "hi-res Snapshot"
[2007/12/08 10:04] Dewey Jung: and
[2007/12/08 10:04] Dewey Jung: "Disable Camera Constraints"
[2007/12/08 10:05] Dewey Jung: the high-res snapshot allows you to take a HUGELY detailed snapshot
[2007/12/08 10:05] Dewey Jung: i warn you, these are HUGE files
[2007/12/08 10:05] Dewey Jung: my snapshots are 20 megs each, due to my high resolution screen and choosing that option on the client menu
[2007/12/08 10:05] Dewey Jung: but i like to do this in case i want to crop the images later
[2007/12/08 10:05] Dewey Jung: it allows me to crop just a small portion of the snapshot for use as a detail shot
[2007/12/08 10:06] Dewey Jung: the disable camera constraints is amazing
[2007/12/08 10:06] Dewey Jung: i can basically use my camera to see into the next sim
[2007/12/08 10:06] Desdemona Enfield: On Windows, the MS Paint program can be used for cropping.
[2007/12/08 10:06] Dewey Jung: this could be used for all kinds of nefarious purposes
[2007/12/08 10:07] Dewey Jung: or not-so-nefarious ones
[2007/12/08 10:07] Dewey Jung: let me give you an example
[2007/12/08 10:07] Zotarah Shepherd: /smiles: Disable camera constraints is one of my favorite settings.
[2007/12/08 10:07] Dewey Jung: one day, i was taking photos of a friend of mine while she was flying
[2007/12/08 10:07] Dewey Jung: if i didn't have the disable camera constraints, she kept flying out of range
[2007/12/08 10:07] Dewey Jung: i alt-clicked on her
[2007/12/08 10:07] Dewey Jung: (your camera will follow an avatar if you do this)
[2007/12/08 10:08] Dewey Jung: with the constraints disabled, my camera stayed on her as she flew across several sim borders
[2007/12/08 10:08] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:08] TeresaMarie Wobbit: then you just alt-click to quit following?
[2007/12/08 10:08] Dewey Jung: well, if you hit escape twice, your view goes back to normal
[2007/12/08 10:09] TeresaMarie Wobbit: o.k. thanks
[2007/12/08 10:09] Dewey Jung: you can also just walk forward
[2007/12/08 10:09] Dewey Jung: that disables your camera view
[2007/12/08 10:09] Dewey Jung: okay, i'm running out of time
[2007/12/08 10:09] Dewey Jung: the notecard covers some more advanced topics
[2007/12/08 10:09] Dewey Jung: bulk uploads
[2007/12/08 10:09] Dewey Jung: odd ways to preview images as you upload them
[2007/12/08 10:10] Dewey Jung: so you can see what a texture would look like as a shirt, for example
[2007/12/08 10:10] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:10] Dewey Jung: or as hair
[2007/12/08 10:10] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:10] Desdemona Enfield: or a sculptie share, which is usually very exotic.
[2007/12/08 10:10] Desdemona Enfield: shape^
[2007/12/08 10:10] Dewey Jung: okay, one last topic
[2007/12/08 10:11] Dewey Jung: the freeviewer
[2007/12/08 10:11] Dewey Jung: who wants one?
[2007/12/08 10:11] Zotarah Shepherd: Me
[2007/12/08 10:11] TeresaMarie Wobbit: i would, but id on't know what I would do with it yet.
[2007/12/08 10:11] Elaine Tulip: i do
[2007/12/08 10:11] Bronte Alcott: I do
[2007/12/08 10:11] Misha Writer: yes pls
[2007/12/08 10:12] Avigail Lindman: sure
[2007/12/08 10:12] Desdemona Enfield: You can use freeviewer ro make a continuous slideshow of your favorite snapshots.
[2007/12/08 10:12] TeresaMarie Wobbit: thanks!
[2007/12/08 10:12] Avigail Lindman: thx
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: to use the thing, you rez it
[2007/12/08 10:12] Jeff Kurka: I would like a freeviewer
[2007/12/08 10:12] Bronte Alcott: thanks
[2007/12/08 10:12] Misha Writer: can you use it for powerpoint?
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: then you click it and use "edit"
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: then go to the "contents" tab
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: and click and drag your textures onto it
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: misha, you can save ppts as jpgs
[2007/12/08 10:12] Desdemona Enfield: If you convert your PP slide to images, yes.
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: the upload the jpgs
[2007/12/08 10:12] Dewey Jung: then^
[2007/12/08 10:13] Jeff Kurka: thanks
[2007/12/08 10:13] Dewey Jung: anyone else want a freeviewer?
[2007/12/08 10:13] Desdemona Enfield: You will need to use prefix names that determine the order of the image.
[2007/12/08 10:13] Dewey Jung: oh, these are examples of different types of snapshots
[2007/12/08 10:13] Dewey Jung: this is the "depth" mode
[2007/12/08 10:14] Dewey Jung: yes, the images automatically alpha-sort in the contents tab
[2007/12/08 10:14] Dewey Jung: this is the "matte" mode
[2007/12/08 10:14] Dewey Jung: i read on the web that these can be used in advanced image editing
[2007/12/08 10:14] Misha Writer: where do you access the modes?
[2007/12/08 10:14] Dewey Jung: they are on the snapshot panel
[2007/12/08 10:14] TeresaMarie Wobbit: sorry to interupt, but can we share the freeviewer with others?
[2007/12/08 10:14] Dewey Jung: under the "capture" drop down box
[2007/12/08 10:14] Desdemona Enfield: opensource.
[2007/12/08 10:15] TeresaMarie Wobbit: thanks.
[2007/12/08 10:15] Dewey Jung: it's only available if you have "save snapshot to hard drive"
[2007/12/08 10:15] Dewey Jung: you can't do a matte or depth uploading directly to inventory
[2007/12/08 10:15] Dewey Jung: okay
[2007/12/08 10:15] Dewey Jung: final questions?
[2007/12/08 10:15] Zotarah Shepherd: If you get an error message that your snapshot cannot be processed at the moment - just wait and try again.
[2007/12/08 10:15] Dewey Jung: zotarah will take over in a moment and talk about shopping
[2007/12/08 10:16] Zotarah Shepherd: Yes whenever you are ready.
[2007/12/08 10:16] Bronte Alcott: great job, Dewey!
[2007/12/08 10:16] Dewey Jung: i'm gonna invite all of you to the elven group, so you can get annoucnements of future workshops, or join our efforts
[2007/12/08 10:16] Desdemona Enfield brightens visiblly (smiles)
[2007/12/08 10:16] Dewey Jung: we are fully volunteer btw
[2007/12/08 10:16] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:16] TeresaMarie Wobbit: sounds like fun.
[2007/12/08 10:16] Dewey Jung: zotarah, it's all yours
[2007/12/08 10:16] Zotarah Shepherd: Because we want to go on a field trip to different places Please join ELVEN
[2007/12/08 10:16] TeresaMarie Wobbit: i haven't figured out how to smile.
[2007/12/08 10:16] Dewey Jung: (desi, what did THAT mean)
[2007/12/08 10:16] Desdemona Enfield: Shopping!
[2007/12/08 10:17] Desdemona Enfield: (humor)
[2007/12/08 10:17] Zotarah Shepherd: Yay
[2007/12/08 10:18] Dewey Jung: did i miss anyone to join elven?
[2007/12/08 10:18] Zotarah Shepherd: I increased my draw distance to take a pic of the sim and reset it back to 64 since I was lagging and screen freezing.
[2007/12/08 10:19] Zotarah Shepherd: Shopping is one of the more fun things to do in SL.
[2007/12/08 10:19] Dewey Jung: draw distance is a setting in preferences...graphics
[2007/12/08 10:19] Zotarah Shepherd: But to spend your Lindens wisely it is a good idea to know what is out there.
[2007/12/08 10:20] Zotarah Shepherd: In the begining I spent Lindens on things I could have gotten for free
[2007/12/08 10:20] Zotarah Shepherd: So the first thing to know is that there are MANY freebies out there.
[2007/12/08 10:21] Zotarah Shepherd: A friend of mine collects freebies.
[2007/12/08 10:21] Zotarah Shepherd: I have note cards for you of freebie places and of some of the better places to shop in SL
[2007/12/08 10:22] Zotarah Shepherd: Another thing is you can make some things easily - clothes and furniture etc
[2007/12/08 10:22] Zotarah Shepherd: So one good thing to collect is textures
[2007/12/08 10:23] Zotarah Shepherd: You can get a mountain of those at the Ivory Tower of Prims.
[2007/12/08 10:23] Zotarah Shepherd: And many nice ones at Textures R Us
[2007/12/08 10:24] Zotarah Shepherd: Also to learn about building in SL and get some more free things go to the
[2007/12/08 10:25] Zotarah Shepherd: Since we just had a lesson in Photos - It is a good idea to save the photos your outfits come with or to take photos of the outfits you make
[2007/12/08 10:26] Zotarah Shepherd: I use that to plan what I will wear.
[2007/12/08 10:26] Zotarah Shepherd: When you shop it is also a good idea to Force your Sun to NOON.
[2007/12/08 10:26] Zotarah Shepherd: You can see colors and details better.
[2007/12/08 10:26] Dewey Jung: world menu
[2007/12/08 10:26] Dewey Jung: force sun
[2007/12/08 10:27] Zotarah Shepherd: Thanks Dewey
[2007/12/08 10:27] Zotarah Shepherd: When you are shopping for freebies remember to not clutter your inventorw - like I did - with things you don't need.
[2007/12/08 10:28] Dewey Jung: "need" is relative in SL
[2007/12/08 10:28] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:28] TeresaMarie Wobbit: i'm curious. Like what?
[2007/12/08 10:28] Zotarah Shepherd: I have over 15000 items and it takes forever to download everything.
[2007/12/08 10:28] TeresaMarie Wobbit: Oohhh.
[2007/12/08 10:28] Dewey Jung: that's a LOT
[2007/12/08 10:28] Dewey Jung: i have like 8500
[2007/12/08 10:28] Zotarah Shepherd: Also you can put things in prims and leave them on your land.
[2007/12/08 10:29] Zotarah Shepherd: Hehehe Yes I am a recovering Freebie queen
[2007/12/08 10:29] TeresaMarie Wobbit: Once you have items in your inventory, an you delete them?
[2007/12/08 10:29] Zotarah Shepherd: You can delete them yes.
[2007/12/08 10:29] Dewey Jung: they stay in your trash until you purge it
[2007/12/08 10:30] Blu Heron: don't forget to purge your trash
[2007/12/08 10:30] Blu Heron: :)
[2007/12/08 10:30] Bill Friis: Right click -- Delete.
[2007/12/08 10:30] TeresaMarie Wobbit: good to know. thanks
[2007/12/08 10:30] Zotarah Shepherd: But I have heard stories about deleting too many things at once. LL does not like that because each thing has a number.
[2007/12/08 10:30] Bronte Alcott: Or if they are transfer, you can give them to others or hold a yard sale
[2007/12/08 10:31] Zotarah Shepherd: It is like hitting every garage sale in town and buying lots of junk - why do that?
[2007/12/08 10:31] Zotarah Shepherd: Also sorting your inventory becomes a nightmare
[2007/12/08 10:31] Zotarah Shepherd: Heheh yes
[2007/12/08 10:31] Zotarah Shepherd: Before you go anywhere Look at the SLExchange.
[2007/12/08 10:32] Zotarah Shepherd: Do you know about that?
[2007/12/08 10:32] TeresaMarie Wobbit: No.
[2007/12/08 10:32] Jeff Kurka: no
[2007/12/08 10:32] Misha Writer: do you delete from system trash or is there an SL trash?
[2007/12/08 10:32] Zotarah Shepherd: You can buy things like a catelog online but not have to go to laggy sims
[2007/12/08 10:33] Bill Friis: Open SL inventory -- File -- Empty trash.
[2007/12/08 10:33] Zotarah Shepherd: Not sure what you mean. When you delete something it is not really gone until you purge your trash
[2007/12/08 10:33] TeresaMarie Wobbit: i have yet to spend much time on SL. Is it bad form to stay in the same clothes?
[2007/12/08 10:33] Bronte Alcott: You need to empty your trash
[2007/12/08 10:33] Blu Heron: sl trash
[2007/12/08 10:33] Bronte Alcott: You won't see your inventory number go down until you do
[2007/12/08 10:33] Zotarah Shepherd: You can restore something you deleted from your trash too
[2007/12/08 10:34] Bronte Alcott: items in the trash are still in inventory
[2007/12/08 10:34] Zotarah Shepherd: Right Bronte
[2007/12/08 10:34] Zotarah Shepherd: I have trashed something and said Oh my I still need that!
[2007/12/08 10:34] Zotarah Shepherd: So I just go in and Restore it.
[2007/12/08 10:35] Zotarah Shepherd: When you go shopping you also need to know about Pose stands.
[2007/12/08 10:35] Zotarah Shepherd: It is also good to have one on your land.
[2007/12/08 10:36] Zotarah Shepherd: The pose stands hold your AV still so you can adjust things like hair jewelry clothes.
[2007/12/08 10:37] Zotarah Shepherd: When you look at your AV after dressing take a long view also.
[2007/12/08 10:38] Zotarah Shepherd: So amny AVs I see have hair that looks like bald spots from a distance but when I get closer it looks fine.
[2007/12/08 10:38] Cosette Hugo: How do you do a pose stand?
[2007/12/08 10:38] Zotarah Shepherd: Yes Cosette?
[2007/12/08 10:39] Zotarah Shepherd: First you get one and then you rez it to the ground. many shops have free ones with the clothes you buy
[2007/12/08 10:40] Zotarah Shepherd: I am just going on here. Are there any questions before we move on?
[2007/12/08 10:41] Zotarah Shepherd: What are good things to buy first to start your wardrobe?
[2007/12/08 10:41] Zotarah Shepherd: Well as in RL life start with basics.
[2007/12/08 10:41] Dewey Jung: underwear
[2007/12/08 10:41] Dewey Jung: socks
[2007/12/08 10:41] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:41] Zotarah Shepherd: Your skin, shape eyes hair
[2007/12/08 10:42] Bill Friis: hats.
[2007/12/08 10:42] Zotarah Shepherd: Yes It is always good to wear underware even if no one sees them
[2007/12/08 10:42] Zotarah Shepherd: Anyone know why?
[2007/12/08 10:42] Dewey Jung: you might be in an accident and have to go to the hospital
[2007/12/08 10:42] Dewey Jung: :-)
[2007/12/08 10:42] Bill Friis: hehe
[2007/12/08 10:42] Zotarah Shepherd: Hahahaa
[2007/12/08 10:42] Dewey Jung: what will the doctors say?
[2007/12/08 10:43] Zotarah Shepherd: Well if you have on underware you will not have to worry when changing clothes.
[2007/12/08 10:43] Zotarah Shepherd: Most places are not private in SL
[2007/12/08 10:43] Bill Friis: Also, some are sneaky with their cameras.
[2007/12/08 10:44] Zotarah Shepherd: If you have a high skybox and a AV detector or your minimap is on you are pretty safe.
[2007/12/08 10:44] Dewey Jung: (i just changed the music, sorry for that if you are listening)
[2007/12/08 10:44] Zotarah Shepherd: Also it is good to have an animation override for your walk
[2007/12/08 10:45] Misha Writer: looks good but what is it?
[2007/12/08 10:45] Zotarah Shepherd: Find a walk you like. I can give you LMs for a shop where you can try out different walks.
[2007/12/08 10:45] Bronte Alcott: say a little more, Zotarah about AOs
[2007/12/08 10:46] Dewey Jung: AO = animation overrider
[2007/12/08 10:46] Zotarah Shepherd: Ok you can Search for places that sell AOs
[2007/12/08 10:46] Zotarah Shepherd: Thanks
[2007/12/08 10:46] Dewey Jung: it overrides the default walk, sit, jump, fly, etc.
[2007/12/08 10:46] Bronte Alcott: you can also get free ones
[2007/12/08 10:46] Zotarah Shepherd: Yes
[2007/12/08 10:46] Zotarah Shepherd: There are some walks in your library too
[2007/12/08 10:47] Zotarah Shepherd: Also I could be using gestures instead of typing
[2007/12/08 10:47] Zotarah Shepherd: Instead I silenced typing and Animations
[2007/12/08 10:47] Bill Friis still likes noisy typing.
[2007/12/08 10:48] Zotarah Shepherd: The place I like best for walks is in Aqua
[2007/12/08 10:48] Zotarah Shepherd: Yes you don't know if I am typing or if my screen froze
[2007/12/08 10:48] Zotarah Shepherd: Some of my friends have commented on this.
[2007/12/08 10:50] Zotarah Shepherd: To disable typing if you want to - Client>Debug Settings> see the list and choose PlayTyping Anim and then choose False.
[2007/12/08 10:51] Zotarah Shepherd: To know about shoping you can read the Style magazines available at amny places in SL - they are free
[2007/12/08 10:52] Bronte Alcott: http://fashionplanet.worldofsl.com will provide you with a compendium of all of the many fashion blogs, including several devoted exclusively to free items
[2007/12/08 10:52] Zotarah Shepherd: Fro good quality clothes look for clean edges, good detail and unique or hand drawn textures
[2007/12/08 10:52] Zotarah Shepherd: Thanks Bronte *smiles*
[2007/12/08 10:53] Zotarah Shepherd: Oh BTW to silence typing if you are in a meeting put a slash before you type /
[2007/12/08 10:53] Bronte Alcott: listings of sales with the slurls (sl map coodinates) are often listed
[2007/12/08 10:54] Zotarah Shepherd: And to tell about your actions put a slash /me
[2007/12/08 10:54] Zotarah Shepherd smiles and waves to
[2007/12/08 10:54] Bill Friis looks at his watch.
[2007/12/08 10:54] Zotarah Shepherd: Oh my yes
[2007/12/08 10:54] Zotarah Shepherd: Would you like to go shopping now?
[2007/12/08 10:54] Bill Friis: Yes.
[2007/12/08 10:54] Cosette Hugo: Sure
[2007/12/08 10:55] Blu Heron: :)))!!!
[2007/12/08 10:55] TeresaMarie Wobbit: sure, for free stuff. :)
[2007/12/08 10:55] Zotarah Shepherd: You want to look like an experienced AV not a new one. If you have an early date and see a nice looking AV it is probably an ALt
[2007/12/08 10:56] Bronte Alcott: that isn't quite clear
[2007/12/08 10:56] Zotarah Shepherd: Ok I will take you to some free places first then
[2007/12/08 10:56] Misha Writer: sorry - have to leave now - and I've been in SL 10 months and spent just L$1 !!
[2007/12/08 10:56] Zotarah Shepherd: What isn't clear?
[2007/12/08 10:56] Desdemona Enfield also wonder what Zotarah meant... Dating your own alt?
[2007/12/08 10:56] Zotarah Shepherd: Wow Misha great!
[2007/12/08 10:56] Bronte Alcott: early date, nice looking AV, prolly and alt
[2007/12/08 10:57] Bill Friis: There is a word for that, Des.
[2007/12/08 10:57] Zotarah Shepherd: Right Bronte
[2007/12/08 10:57] Dewey Jung: lol she means the born date
[2007/12/08 10:57] Misha Writer: will a transcript be available afterwards?
[2007/12/08 10:57] Dewey Jung: yes, misha
[2007/12/08 10:57] Dewey Jung: on my blog
[2007/12/08 10:57] Dewey Jung: http://technopaideia.blogspot.com
[2007/12/08 10:57] Desdemona Enfield: Here I thought you meant a date in the afternoon.
[2007/12/08 10:57] Zotarah Shepherd: Your rez date shows on your profile
[2007/12/08 10:57] Zotarah Shepherd: Hehehe
[2007/12/08 10:57] Misha Writer: tx & bye all
[2007/12/08 10:57] Bronte Alcott: I know
[2007/12/08 10:57] TeresaMarie Wobbit: Bye1
[2007/12/08 10:57] Desdemona Enfield: bye Misha
[2007/12/08 10:57] Bill Friis: Adios, Misha
[2007/12/08 10:57] Bronte Alcott: but does everyone here understand what an alt is?
[2007/12/08 10:57] mobile chair: Unable to find specified agent to request permissions.
[2007/12/08 10:57] Cosette Hugo: NO
[2007/12/08 10:57] TeresaMarie Wobbit: no
[2007/12/08 10:58] Bill Friis: Alternate avatar.
[2007/12/08 10:58] Desdemona Enfield: You can have more than one SL identity.
[2007/12/08 10:58] Bronte Alcott: and why a well dressed av with a recent rez date is probably an alt
[2007/12/08 10:58] Zotarah Shepherd: You can make a copy of the chat log Ctrl a then Ctrl C then paste it to a notecard or in word.
[2007/12/08 10:58] Bill Friis: Born yesterday, but knows how to shop.
[2007/12/08 10:58] Zotarah Shepherd: I sometimes crash when I TP
[2007/12/08 10:58] Bronte Alcott: right
[2007/12/08 10:58] Bronte Alcott: an alternate avatar
[2007/12/08 10:59] Bronte Alcott: created by an experienced sl user
[2007/12/08 10:59] Zotarah Shepherd: LL does not like Alts but you need one if say you are going to the teen grid
[2007/12/08 10:59] Bronte Alcott: who knows where all of the good items are
[2007/12/08 10:59] Desdemona Enfield: to mess around.
[2007/12/08 10:59] Zotarah Shepherd: First let me give you my notecard if you did not get one in the last workshop
[2007/12/08 11:00] Bronte Alcott: I could use a notecard, Zotarah
[2007/12/08 11:01] FreeView Flatscreen TV: Help documentation is available at: http://www.slguide.com/help
[2007/12/08 11:01] Bronte Alcott: thanks
[2007/12/08 11:01] Zotarah Shepherd: Got it ?
[2007/12/08 11:01] Bill Friis: Yes
[2007/12/08 11:01] Zotarah Shepherd: Does everyone have one?
[2007/12/08 11:01] TeresaMarie Wobbit: yes. Thank you.
[2007/12/08 11:01] Jeff Kurka: yes
[2007/12/08 11:01] Cosette Hugo: yes
[2007/12/08 11:01] DocL
[2007/12/08 11:01] Zotarah Shepherd: One note Freebie places can be laggy so set your preferences as low as possible.
[2007/12/08 11:02] Zotarah Shepherd: Good anyone not get one?
[2007/12/08 11:02] Jeff Kurka: what do you mean by that Zotarah?
[2007/12/08 11:02] Zotarah Shepherd: Be sure you have a good place to call home if you lag or freeze to much
[2007/12/08 11:03] TeresaMarie Wobbit: I have to leave. Thanks for the workshop. I've learned lots.
[2007/12/08 11:03] Bronte Alcott: BTW, there are a lot of sales going on now, advent events with free gifts each day
[2007/12/08 11:03] Blu Heron: Zotarah, I know you are focusing your presentation on shopping for clothes, but if anyone wants to shop for quality household items....
[2007/12/08 11:03] Zotarah Shepherd: oh do you h=know how to unpack boxes?
[2007/12/08 11:03] Bronte Alcott: lots of free things in advance of the holidays
[2007/12/08 11:03] Bill Friis: I also must go. Clock insists. Much thanks. Adios.
[2007/12/08 11:03] Blu Heron: this is my favorite place...
[2007/12/08 11:03] Zotarah Shepherd: Ok Bill
[2007/12/08 11:03] Bronte Alcott: bye, Bill
[2007/12/08 11:04] Blu Heron: FURNITURE @
[2007/12/08 11:04] Zotarah Shepherd: Thanks
[2007/12/08 11:04] Bronte Alcott: great place, Ble
[2007/12/08 11:04] Bronte Alcott: Blu
[2007/12/08 11:04] Zotarah Shepherd: Sazbos is a quality place for furniture but very very primmy
[2007/12/08 11:05] Zotarah Shepherd: You don't want to use up all your prims on your land or rental place
[2007/12/08 11:06] Desdemona Enfield: Your land, if you have it, has a limit to the mumber of primitive shapes it can contain. Some furniture consists of many primitive shapes.
[2007/12/08 11:06] Jeff Kurka: does this affect how many people can be on your land?
[2007/12/08 11:06] Blu Heron: very true Des
[2007/12/08 11:06] Dewey Jung: av's aren't prims
[2007/12/08 11:06] Blu Heron: I quickly learned that...
[2007/12/08 11:07] Desdemona Enfield: Small land parcels have allocations in the 100s of prims. So a chair made of 100 prims is expensive in terms of allocation.
[2007/12/08 11:07] Dewey Jung: but there are limits to av's too
[2007/12/08 11:07] Blu Heron: and had to rent a larger place with more prims ;)
[2007/12/08 11:07] Desdemona Enfield: No, peopel wandering on all allowed to go over the limit.
[2007/12/08 11:07] Zotarah Shepherd: The more prims you have on your land the more lag you will have usually
[2007/12/08 11:07] Desdemona Enfield: are allowed^
[2007/12/08 11:07] Zotarah Shepherd: There is a lag meter in help
[2007/12/08 11:08] Zotarah Shepherd: Do you all know how to use the landmarks in the Notecard?
[2007/12/08 11:08] Desdemona Enfield: Prim based lag is an region wide effect. It is unlikely that the prims on a small parcel would be a problem themselves.
[2007/12/08 11:08] Cosette Hugo: yes
[2007/12/08 11:09] Zotarah Shepherd: There is more information about lag at the
[2007/12/08 11:09] Desdemona Enfield: Bear in mind that the term 'lag' means many different types of effects. So reading about lag can be confusing.
[2007/12/08 11:09] Dewey Jung: ( i didn't know about the lag meter: :0))
[2007/12/08 11:10] Desdemona Enfield: (it is quite new)
[2007/12/08 11:10] Desdemona Enfield: The lag meter even makes recommendations for reducing lag.
[2007/12/08 11:10] Zotarah Shepherd: I know it is after 11 those who want to go to the freebie places - please open to the freebies part in my shopping landmarks card.
[2007/12/08 11:10] Blu Heron: I miss the packet loss and bandwidth indicators that we used to have
[2007/12/08 11:10] Desdemona Enfield: I miss them too.
[2007/12/08 11:11] Zotarah Shepherd: You can still see those Blu
[2007/12/08 11:11] Desdemona Enfield has to log back into RL.
[2007/12/08 11:11] Blu Heron: where do I see them?
[2007/12/08 11:11] Zotarah Shepherd: What's RL hehehe
[2007/12/08 11:11] Desdemona Enfield: Thank you Zotorah.. thank you Dewey.
[2007/12/08 11:11] Desdemona Enfield: My dream world.
[2007/12/08 11:11] Dewey Jung: bye des!
[2007/12/08 11:12] Bronte Alcott: Thanks, Zotarah
[2007/12/08 11:12] Desdemona Enfield: very good presentations, by the way.
[2007/12/08 11:12] Bronte Alcott: Thanks, Des
[2007/12/08 11:12] Zotarah Shepherd smiles
[2007/12/08 11:13] Zotarah Shepherd: Would you like to go to a freebie place now or on your own?
[2007/12/08 11:13] Blu Heron: I'm going to have to leave, too...thanks everyone...and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
[2007/12/08 11:13] Dewey Jung: zotarah, i'm gonna bow out of the freebie field trip
[2007/12/08 11:13] Zotarah Shepherd: I can also take you to Aqua for AOs
[2007/12/08 11:13] Zotarah Shepherd: Ok Dewey Thank you
[2007/12/08 11:13] DocL
[2007/12/08 11:14] Zotarah Shepherd: We will let you know when our next workshop will be
[2007/12/08 11:15] Zotarah Shepherd: If you want to go to the AO place say yes if you want to fo to the Freebie place say Free
[2007/12/08 11:16] DocL
[2007/12/08 11:16] Avigail Lindman: i'm gonna pass today Zotarah
[2007/12/08 11:17] Zotarah Shepherd: Ok Avigail
[2007/12/08 11:17] Zotarah Shepherd: Anyone who would like help feel free to IM me
[2007/12/08 11:18] Dewey Jung: okay, i need to head out
[2007/12/08 11:18] Dewey Jung: thanks zotarah!
[2007/12/08 11:18] Dewey Jung: and thank you docl and jeff for coming!
[2007/12/08 11:18] Avigail Lindman: Dewey, Zothara thanks for the info
[2007/12/08 11:18] Zotarah Shepherd: You're welcome Dewey
[2007/12/08 11:18] Bronte Alcott: thanks and happy holidays everyone
[2007/12/08 11:18] Zotarah Shepherd: You're welcome Avigail
[2007/12/08 11:18] Avigail Lindman: bye everyone
[2007/12/08 11:18] Zotarah Shepherd: Happy holidays
-----------------------------------------here's the notecard I distributed for the workshop:
SL SNapSHots,
How to take pictures in Second LIfe
by Dewey Jung 12-8-07
A. What to do with snapshots?
--capture memories
--create textures for prims
--create slideshows
B. The Snapshot Panel (Snapshot button at bottom of screen or Ctrl-Shft-S (on a Mac: Cmd-Shft-S)
--can set to automatically take a snapshot with current settings
--can set to include interface
C. Postcard
--sends a snapshot to an email address with an invitation to join SL and a SLURL to current position
D. Snapshots to disk (Ctrl-` (upper left of keyboard; on a Mac: Cmd-`)
--storing and naming your snapshots
--files are saved as bitmaps (.bmp)
--can be uploaded (see below)
E. Snapshots to Inventory (L$10)
--skips step of saving to hard drive; doesn't give you a copy on your disk
--automatically names your snapshot with the location you took it
--puts snapshot into folder called "Photo Album"
F. Uploading textures from disk to inventory (L$10):
--File memnu, or Ctrl-U (on a Mac: Cmd-U)
--gives you opportunity to name and describe
--puts into Texture folder
--to see after it uploads, go to "recent items" in your inventory
G. Freeze Frame (snapshot preview)
--on Snapshot panel
--lets you see what you've taken before you upload or save to disk
H. Better use of your camera
--Disabling constraints
--Alt-click to zoom on a spot
--Alt-ctrl-click (on a Mac: alt-cmd-click) to rotate around a spot
--Alt-ctrl-shift-click (on a Mac: alt-cmd-shift-click) to pan relative to a spot
--Ctrl-8 and Ctrl-0 (on a Mac: Cmd-8 and Cmd-0) zoom in and out
--Ctrl-9 (on a Mac: Cmd-9) zoom to normal.
I. Turning off the shutter sound on snapshot to disk
--Show client menu (Ctrl-Alt-D or if it doesn't work add a Shft; on a Mac: Opt-Ctrl-D); this is useful for other settings as well
--Click (put X by) Quiet Snapshots to Disk
J. High-Resolution snapshots
--Client menu, Click Hi-Res Snapshot (this results in HUGE files, useful for cropping)
K. Compressing snapshots
--on Client menu, can also "Compress Snapshots to Disk" which produces a *.j2c (JPEG 2000 compression) file, 1/10th the size
L. Bulk upload
--allows you to upload a series of snapshots all at once
--does not let you rename (although you can do that later by right-clicking on image in texture folder and choosing rename)
M. Previewing in odd ways
--when uploading from disk, can see what texture will look like as various items
N. Using a Freeview
--an image and video viewer
--allows you to share multiple images (or streamed video) with an audience
--to load snapshots, you "edit" the "contents" of the freeview and drag your images into the contents
--images are ordered "alphabetically"
O. Alternative palettes
--on Snapshot panel, for snapshot to disk, you can choose "color, "depth" or "matte" (see this for more: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Torley_Linden/Snapshot_tips#.22Depth.22_and_.22Object_Matte.22_capture_modes)
Some useful URLs:
Second LIfe Wiki: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Help:Snapshots
Advance Video Tutorial on Snapshots: http://youtube.com/watch?v=AZyBNBW2yjI
How to send a postcard: http://youtube.com/watch?v=iFzbvZc1BX4&feature=related